Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Republican's Rant

I am a Republican and proud of it. I am also a Christian and a conservative. I love God, my family and my country. I believe in church, charity and community service.

So it's probably no surprise that I've been a little ticked off and appalled at some of the happenings coming out of our nation's capital here lately. And since this my blog - I can vent my frustrations here!!!!!!!!!!

First the whole foreclosure/mortgage situation. I don't want to help these people out. And don't bother commenting about catastrophic illness, lay-offs, etc. I'm not a monster - obviously I think these people need help. But that is not the government's job. That's the job of community, charity, family, church. I'm talking about the people that were more worried about "keeping up with the Jones'" and living in "the" neighborhood in their city. So they do a budget and decide they can pay $50 (made up #) a month for a house. They talk to the bank and get pre-approved for a loan. The bank will pre-approve you for more than you need - then you decide you can afford that because the bank said you could. Then you go house hunting and you look at things in a range. That has you looking at houses between $50 a month and $75 a month. Which house do you think "looks" better. Probably the house for 1/3 more money. So you buy it. You are now living at or more than likely above your means. That may mean you can't put any money into savings. Something happens to your car or the kids have a stretch of sickness that has you paying co-pays and buying prescriptions like crazy. You think I'll just put this on the credit card since we're a little tight this month. Then next month you have a higher credit card bill to go along with that mortgage payment and the cycle begins. You've also bought new furniture for this new bigger house so you have a furniture payment. Perhaps a new TV? New decor for the bedrooms? Maybe you have a Starbucks or movie habit... So you are strapped for cash but don't want to change your behavior so you miss a mortgage payment and then another.

And now my tax dollars are going to bail you out? That is the biggest baloney I have ever heard. Our new administration is in essence saying, "Work hard, make responsible decisions and we'll take some of your money to help out this loser over here!" Well - I can assure you I don't want a reward from the government or anyone for that matter for being responsible and living within my means and savings, etc. But I'll be danged if I think someone irresponsible deserves my money. I am steamed!!!!!

Add to this the fact that "theoretically" Emily can go get an abortion at 12 and that's supported by my government. And I don't have to be notified and better yet my tax dollars will help pay for it. So I would be paying to murder innocent children and my immature daughter would have made a horrible decision that she would live with the rest of her life. And I don't understand Christians voting for this administration knowing this would happen.

Then comes the Gitmo thing - I think that if/when the terrorists are released that one should be hired as a houseman for each member of the administration. Let's see how they like that. And I don't understand military people that voted for this administration knowing this would happen.

Then the fairness doctrine. Give me a break - can I help that the Liberal talk radio shows have failed. They can try again and hope their shows are successful and get syndicated. If they are not successful too bad. Hannity and Rush are successful... But because they are right wing the administration doesn't like it so they are devising a way to get them off the air. I don't know where you grew up, but in my world that is a violation of free speech.

Well, that felt good to get off my chest. I'm going to turn off this computer and say a prayer for our country... Our becoming socialist country - ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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