Can you believe that David is almost 4. He is such a big boy now. We had to move him out of the toddler bed and into a twin bed because he was too big. I bought new bedding, actually splurged on a quilt from Pottery Barn Kids - love it!! The quilt is a madras plaid - more of a classic boy look rather than a specific theme. And it has tons of colors in it so it will go with anything I decide to do.
His room theme since he was a baby started as moon and stars and then moved onto space and rockets. Before he was born Dan painted his walls as a night sky, complete with clouds, the moon, stars, planets and constellations. The painting is to scale and fairly subtle - not "babyish". The walls look so good we didn't want to change them and hoped whatever we changed in his room would go well with the walls.
David is very obsessed with trains. All trains - Lionel, Thomas, etc. He has a train table and almost of all of the trains that go with Thomas and a nice electric Lionel train. The idea for this new room theme started with the Lionel train, which Santa brought this past Christmas. He is actually still a little young for it so Dan was trying to figure out a way for David to enjoy it, but not damage it. He decided to put it on the wall in David's room - up high. That way David could see it and run it, but not actually touch it and damage the engine and cars. So with thta, the whole train theme idea starting taking hold... We started talking to David about it and he was THRILLED. The idea of turning his room from "space" into "trains" was right up his alley. It's funny to me and such a milestone because he is truly involved in this decision.
Dan worked hard for the last few weeks on the track for the train and I started shopping :). With help from David (looking at pictures) we found sheets, a shelf, a rocking chair, wall prints and a basket, all with trains. No little boy train accessories, no Thomas accessories - all "big boy" type real trains. For example I found several sets of cute sheets online, but the trains weren't on tracks - David said no - those weren't real trains...
So now we have a train room and a night sky! There are a few more finishing touches to do, but it's essentially done and looks great (or at least we think so) and David loves it! My friend Leslie came by Monday evening and David grabbed her hand so he could show off his train. And last night Uncle Chuck and Aunt Jenny came over for dinner and he did the same with them. He told his teacher and all his friends at school and he asked me could he take it to "show & share" on Friday - I'm going to print out some pictures for him.
Here are some pictures of the room.

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