Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Independence Day

The first 4th of July that Dan and I spent together was in 2000 and I knew from that point on it would be a big day for us each year. We are both patriotic and have father's who were in the military, so that gets us started. And for Dan, he is a 4th of July "junkie" he loves loves loves fireworks! . We usually go to the lake and spend the day on the water, followed by the fireworks show each night. There have been a year or two where we strayed from our usual and those times have been fun, but not the same.

Yesterday - Dan, David, Uncle Chuck, Aunt Jenny and friend Andy all headed up to Lake Jordan mid-afternoon. They swam and tried out our new inter tube (which we returned this AM) and just had a pleasant afternoon. I arrived about 7:00 with dinner from Subway and joined the group. David rode the tube one more time so I could video him and then we made our way over to the dam and watched the fireworks from the boat. It was beautiful, awesome, cool, etc. David loved it - this was his first time. He told Dan we had to do this every year.

Earlier that morning Dan and David had driven out to my dad's to get our boat (he has a shed we store it in) and they stopped at a fireworks store and bought a bag full of "stuff". So after pulling out of the water last night we stopped on the way home (still in the country) and set off all our fireworks. David's favorites are the little white teardrop things you through down hard and they pop and the Roman Candles. He is NOT a fan of sparklers and traditional firecrackers, LOL.

The only thing we were missing was Emily, but she is at Panama City Beach with her mom, step-dad and friend Hope. I know they are having a fun time!!

I have to tell you a few funny David things from yesterday:
  • he decided he wanted to ride the tube for me so he just goes to the back of the boat and jumps in and starts trying to climb up on the tube. We were not ready, but thankfully idling. No fear!!
  • Dan has taught him the signals so when we started off he kept doing thumbs up until Dan got up to speed. Then after riding a while he did the "kill" signal so we would stop - hilarious!!!
  • Question: daddy is that black stuff on your display (on the boat dash) the oil spill?
  • Fireworks are great, I'm so 'cited - are these for your birthday mommy? (my day is Wed)
  • Well if the fireworks aren't for your birthday i think you would be super-happy if we had your party at Pump It Up!
  • He decided that the fireworks daddy was lighting after the lake were for me - so when the "finale" firework was lit he sang Happy Birthday to me.

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