Dan - doing great. No signs whatsoever of the cancer - last scan showed him still to be in remission. Fatigue totally gone now and taste is back to normal. He is working on our backyard and the end is near (finally for those of you that know he's been working on this for YEARS!!). I can't wait to share pictures and have everyone over when he gets done.
Business - going well. BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! We are not going to purchase the large 125-unit. But we are still negotiating on the 22 and 40 unit. He wants to meet with Dan again today. He wants to sell alot more than we want to buy :).
Emily - her summer officially started the end of last week and she brought it in with a bang. Shopping for new clothes and sleeping late. What more could a 13-year-old want. She has been wanting to swim, but I swear Alabama is turning into Washington state we have had rain everyday forever now. We could use your prayers tomorrow - Emily is having surgery on her nose. She has constant nosebleeds and has had a procedure done once before, but it didn't work. This time they will take a piece of skin from behind her ear and put it into her nose where the hole is that the bleeding is coming from. We have to be at the hospital at 7:00 tomorrow morning. A side note during this - her thyroid seems to be swollen and tender and they are testing the blood they drew today during pre-op.
David - school ended with a bang for David on Friday. They had bouncy houses and banana splits at school. So that party aside with all his birthday parties has had him on "cloud 9". He is back to his normal self from the tonsil ordeal, but his ear(s) don't seem to be. When his tubes are clogged he tells me his ear is closed, well he's telling me that again and also saying they hurt. I'm just at my wits end with this. We have a follow-up on Monday with the ENT to talk about the bony tumor in the ear canal so he will check his ears then.
My dad & Barbara - he is improving everyday. Barbara is superwoman when it comes to her knee. A few days post-op and they said she was doing as well as someone 3-weeks post-op. But she now has pneumonia, a common side effect of course after surgery and hospitalization, but that doesn't make it any less miserable!! Thank heavens for Angie there taking care of them.
Me - staying busy with the kids, work and the house and dealing with my back. I don't feel like talking about my back because there is no point, but I will tell you it is not good!! My wonderful friend Leslie has been working on getting my house organized and cleaned up. She is so awesome.
*my friend Jennifer and her son Paul are coming to visit!!! They will be here Thursday afternoon. I can't wait.
*I am working on our vacations for this summer and next year and getting frustrated with school schedules, holidays, dance team schedule, etc. I'll get it worked out eventually :) and we'll do the beach this summer for our big trip and probably Six Flags and maybe the Georgia Aquarium for our small trips and next year we'll do Disney again for our big trip and a small trip to the beach.
*Since work is increasing and when David starts real school this fall I will take on even more and since my back is a problem - we are hiring a housekeeper to come in everyday and do a variety of things around here to help me. I am starting the interview process today.
Aside from this rain we have been spending alot of time lately playing with friends and swimming. Having good friends and a pool are the best!! Here are a couple of pictures from the pool.

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