That alligator is a fossil, recovered in the area where we were. We went to the fossil museum and they still have archaeologists digging.

One of David's favorite parts of the trip was getting his own soda. At break there was nothing but soda, so we let him "live it up". But rather than tell the people what he wanted he always climbed up there and picked out his own. This happened 3 or 4 times a day so he became friends with the man and lady driving the snack truck.

The following pics are from a llama farm. The top one is David riding a wood-carved rocking horse on the deck at the farm. It was so beautiful.

The following pics are from a llama farm. The top one is David riding a wood-carved rocking horse on the deck at the farm. It was so beautiful.

A big thing in the area are quilts painted on barns. The quilts are known patterns and have a history to the area and usually that specific section of farmland. Then the local high schools and/or art clubs paint a replica of the original quilt on the side of the barn. We saw probably 10 of these.

There was a little casual kids game night one evening when we returned from touring. The T's had their own large section (roped off) in the hotel parking lot so everyone pulled out their chairs and watched the kids play a variety of games. David was the youngest taking part, but that didn't stop him. He had so much fun. When we left that night to go to our room he said, "mom that party was so fun!! but why didn't they have cake?". There were prizes galore that night and we came home with two armfuls, below is a shot of him with the hillbilly teeth he won. He thinks they're monster teeth.

Dad working on the T, our horn quit working and there are always people lining the road when we all drive by so we like to blow the horn at them.

Several people bring their dogs on the tour. This one car had a 3-dog-family.
David and Barbara hanging out in the car during one of our breaks.

Dad and David.

This is a row of grape vines at a small winery we stopped at.
My "doesn't nap anymore" little boy was worn out at the end of day 1. His stamina showed up the rest of the week though and he didn't pass out again. I love the resilience of kids though - I don't think I could sleep in an open car. And when he was younger he would even fall asleep on a go-kart ride with Dan.
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