Thursday, August 19, 2010

mommy, why…?

Are you like me and you hear this question about 100 times a day (and that’s on a school day when he’s away from me). Well the questions are all over the place and sometimes entertaining and sometimes annoying. They do however actually make sense based on what we’re doing, what he recently learned or saw, etc.

I have never been one to have patience. In my job impatience was always listed as a cause for concern on my performance review. But somehow when you become a mom God gives you that extra dose of daily patience – kind of like a vitamin :)

So this morning as David’s awaking for the day he starts to tell me about his dream and how Sissy (Emily) and Toby (the dog) are under this big bridge with rocks and water and he has to go down and get them, but he can’t cross the bridge. Then he says all excited – and mom it was a talking dream!!!! You, he says – a little accusingly – were on the other side of the bridge and wouldn’t come to me and help me. Oh… I say, not really knowing what to say. I go with well you know dreams are just our imagination because you know I would always help you. He just kind of looks at me :-). Then I say well why didn’t you come to me and he says – like duh – the bridge was rubber and it was way to scary to walk on!

Oh – so the lesson is mom’s should do all the scary things!!! I didn’t say this out loud, LOL. I just said oh well that makes sense and it sure does sound like a scary bridge.

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