That was the name of the air show held at Maxwell AFB last weekend. We love air shows and did much schedule finagling so Dan, David and I could spend the whole day there. Dan and I grew up in military families and have always loved air shows and we want David to as well. We mostly just enjoyed the day and took a little video, but here are a few of the pictures from the day. The weather was beautiful and David was really well behaved. We were there from around 9:00 until 5:30.
Dan and David flying high and dreaming big :)

David loves "characters" and the crazy Geico lizard was at the air show.

Driving the jeep with a gun like daddy's in the back.

Thunderbirds out on the runway.

This was our spot for the majority of the day - see David's earprotection and sunglasses - cracks me up, but he was real good about leaving it on. He loved that blow up gun like daddy's and he "shot" all the bad (japanese) airplanes out of the sky during the WWII demonstration.
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