Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Behavior = Ear Infection

or at least at the Reeder house it does.

Let me back up a little so this will make more sense. David has had untold number of ear infections, ear issues, ear surgeries, etc. etc. And for 98% of those the only symptom has been behavior, as in he is a jerk :( sorry - just no other word for it. But since he has matured and his communication skills increased and we removed the tumor... we've been thinking we are in great shape with him now and if he does have another one he'll tell me something is wrong in his ear.

Wrong! Lately he's just been a "prize" not sleeping well. Then last night it finally turned into a fever, well I suspected one yesterday, but forgot to take his temp. So this morning I gave in and called the pediatrician. Diebel was out so we saw McCommolugh (fine she is awesome too). She said and I quote, "Oooo, that is a very very bad infection in that ear!". She also the tube in that ear is clogged, not working anymore and needs to come out. I will call the Ped ENT we've been seeing at Children's in Bham to check that out.

UGH - can I feel anymore like a bad mommy. I so ignored his usual bad behavior symptoms and let it get so bad it finally did cause fever. And yesterday I had an over-the-top discipline reaction to his behavior... and now I know that the worst of it is this ear infection.

Whew - I've gotten it off my chest and now I am going to have quiet time (praying for nap) with David and when we get up I don't plan to feel like a bad mommy again :)

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