Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why does "title" stump me some days...

I was planning to stay on top of this a little better here in the New Year, but doesn't seem to be working. My posts are always so long I thought if I did a little one each day I wouldn't have these epic posts to catch up on everything. Oh well - like many of the best ideas... they don't always come to fruition.

Dan had his PET Scan and oncology appointment last week and was given yet another clean bill of health. Praise God the remission is still holding!! He doesn't have to go back for 6-months. He has been busy at work, as usual. This economy is making it extra hard for our tenants to pay their bills so he is spending hours and hours each week knocking on doors. One big project he has been working on lately is an air conditioning cage, yeah you heard me right LOL. AC theft - for the unit itself and especially for the copper is quite high. So he has come up with a welded mesh/steel design thing to keep the outside AC unit locked up. Another new project for him is another property - a single-family home. We hope to have the new house rented out by the first of Feb. Last thing on Dan is a probable stress fracture in his foot - getting him to the doctor is not as easy as it sounds!

Emily got her 2nd semester report card last week and she was back to A's and B's. Thankfully she pulled up the 2 C's from her 1st semester. She has been taking a break this month from team sports, practices, etc. Most of her time has been spent texting with friends, playing Airplane and Wii with David, watching TV and playing pool with Dan and playing board games with me. She is also pretty attached to her I-Touch... It is sometimes so science-fiction sounding when you look at all the electronics available to kids these days.

David also got his 2nd semester report card and received all S's in classwork and conduct, except writing. He is really struggling with his letters. He recognizes them, knows what words they are used for, sounds them out and "pretend" draws them with his finger. But sitting down with the pencil to write them - not working so far. I am going to have to get more diligent about practicing. He is becoming so much more opinionated and independent (if it's possible to be more...). He now thinks that he is responsible for mopping and dishes. As Emily and I were cleaning up last weekend he decided to "mop" with the Swiffer - actually did a pretty good job. Then he rinsed and refilled (over and over) a cup and bowl in the sink and said he was doing dishes. The next day he wanted to do the mopping again and I said no - it was fine. He went on and on, so then I said you will waste the liquid cleaning stuff (the stuff that squirts out of the swiffer wet jet). He says what happens if you waste. We will run out/use it all up and then won't have any when we need it and mommy doesn't have dollars to buy more (this usually works for everything). He sat there a second and then said mommy you can have all the money in my piggy bank to buy more. Then proudly stands up straight and says I do the mopping and the dishes for you everyday, but I don't do laundry!

What a joy it is to be around my family. I am so blessed to have all this time with them to hear all the big and little things and be a part of them. Big things and holidays are great, but the little everyday smiles and laughter fill my heart.

I am struggling lately with friends and extended family. I have not been doing a good job of staying in touch, making phone calls, sending e-mail, etc. I think about them - fondly and miss them, but I just can't seem to stop and take the time. I go through this depression deal every year from around Thanksgiving until the end of February (because of my mom). Each new season I think I'll be better - i won't do this again... and hear I go. I even recognize it, but I still do it. This February will be 11 years since my mother passed away and I still miss her desperately. There really aren't words to describe the pain - it's just a hole that's always there. She was my mom, my disciplinarian, my friend, my shopping buddy, my travel buddy, my phone buddy, my cooking partner, my game partner - I could go on and on. Most of all though, she truly loved me unconditionally - a mother's love. I always knew she loved me, but never realized the depth until David came into my life. When I am in this funk it's hard to be around people who have healthy moms - silly sounding I know. And it's hard to be around people that didn't know her or people that don't really get what I'm feeling because either they've never lost anyone or they don't understand the relationship she and I had or both. I have tried and am still trying to let go and let God in this and so far I haven't succeeded. I'm still praying though ;).

Overall though - life is good and I am happy! I have some more updates with pics to share and hope to get those up in a day or two.

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