Dan was one of those husbands that didn't do very well with a baby. He did his share of feedings and getting up in the night and letting me get out of the house and all that, but it wasn't his thing. He said I'm just not comfortable until they're a little bigger. Ok - I lived with it and took it for what it was.
Wow was he right - as David started walking and talking Dan has really come into his own as a father and now that David is actually his own person, a boy now as opposed to a baby, they are wonderful together. I wish you could see them - they have their own language almost all about science and space and guns and tools. They play silly games and have inside jokes. They go to the barber together every few weeks for their hair cuts and they sometimes go on "field trips" to the hardware store and to get donuts. They also "work" outside together. Dan has a shop in the backyard and David has a concrete track (around the pool) and quite a collection of vehicles... Dan welds or does woodworking or whatever it is guys do in shops and David drives around racing and stops in on Dan to "help" every few laps.
Staying in this vein I decided to get them a joint/manly thing for Christmas so I got them tickets to the recent Monster Truck Show. It was a huge hit!!!!! They cannot quit talking about it. Here are a few pics from their day.

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