Friday, January 8, 2010

The Snow Day With No Snow

Ok - all of you that don't live in the "cold-weather" deprived south go ahead and get your laughing out of the way. Due to a forecast of rain/sleet/snow our city essentially went into raid the grocery store panic mode and closed most of the schools today. I love it in a weird fond sort of way. It's just the way it is here and has always been. When we were kids we always loved the surprise day out of school and now our kids are the same. It would have been nice to have a little snow to play in on this surprise day off, but... I will admit though the grocery store thing is a little comical, I have yet, in my 37 years figured out why there is ALWAYS a rush on bread and milk if the weatherman says snow. If you have a theory leave a comment ;)

Is there anybody who didn't watch the ballgame last night? Roll Tide - they did our state and the SEC proud, congratulations to them. Felt bad for Colt McCoy - good kid and hated to see that happen to him. We went over to the Holliday's and watched with them and Kim made us shrimp jambalaya - awesome. War Eagle (just had to get that in there LOL).

Ok - I am sure I am not alone in my love of coffee... of course mine is more like an obsession. I drink coffee morning, noon, night, etc. I drink it with alot of my meals. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. And right now it's like 20 degrees outside, I am sick (more about that below) and my throat feels like razor blades and the hot coffee is so soothing, etc. etc. Well horrible tragedy today - I woke up and went immediately to turn the coffee on. Light came on, great. I made David's cereal and my oatmeal and then turned back to fix my first cup - no sound, no warmth...??? The light came on, but no brewing/percolation or whatever the word is. I unplug, re-plug, turn back on - nothing. I am beginning to see the edges of red - panic is coming. I have a spoon in my hand from my oatmeal - I start "playing the drums" on the coffee pot - top, bottom, back, front, side... harder... NOTHING. It's dead... the poor water and ground beans just sitting in there never to meet - tragedy! Now I must drag my sick pitiful self out of these PJ's and to Wal-mart to buy another coffee pot.

There is much more I have to write about today, but coffee comes first. See you later -

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