Friday, May 28, 2010
David's Made Up Words
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Spring Pictures
But this year I just felt I wanted something different, specifically non-studio. I have a friend who uses Grace Photography and the results I have seen are awesome. She showed me a recent session with her two kids at Hampstead and I was sold, LOL. So she introduced me to Grace O'Connor.
Last Sunday the kids and I met Grace out at my dad's and did an outdooor session. I loved it - you could tell from the different areas and the way the light fell that it was going to be great. She put a little peek from the session on her Grace Photography Blog, click on the link and then scroll down to find Em and David - WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad & David
David and my dad's birthday's are one day apart so we like to get the two together to celebrate each year. Regular birthday parties and regular cakes had already happened so we decided to go with an easy favorite of David's, you'll see by one of the pictures with his big "O" face that he is thrilled and surprised.
a pool table like daddy's
Then to the rescue, Kim and family "hooked him up" for his birthday. Check out these pictures.
Spring Soccer
David has really come a long way since that first game last fall. There are all of these opportunities to see our children progress and I love being front and center for them. Here are some pictures of the boy in action. And check out the tongue in a few of the shots - I fear that will become his "athletic concentration" trademark in years to come, LOL.
Click on this link for the pictures.
and summer begins...
We have had a blast already this summer out at the pool. The pictures are of the kids in action. I have a new camera and it is great at catching them. New to the fun this year is the "roller coaster" into the pool. Enjoy the pictures.
Friday, May 21, 2010
I think the boy is left-handed...
He never strongly showed an inclination one way or the other toward his left or right-hand. One day I would think it was one and then the next day the other. So when he started PreK and they started writing I didn't even think of it. They naturally worked with his right hand, everyone's natural assumption. Dan and I worked with it too - never questioning should we be using his left-hand instead. Didn't occur to us.
Subsequently his handwriting is HORRIBLE and believe me I am not exaggerating. His is the worst, by FAR, in the class. And his cutting skills are pretty weak too. His report card for the year is a ton of S's and then U's and N's in handwriting and cutting. I kept assuming he was just a little slower to develop motor skills or whatever and we just practiced a little more. And to be honest I wasn't really worried about it. So he writes bad - who cares, this is the age of typing and he "knows" the stuff; just struggles with the act of writing it.
Then we started golf lessons. The first lesson the pro asked me a few questions about David's left/right-handedness and I didn't think anything of them. The second lesson he said he really felt David was left-handed and that he didn't want to teach him with right-handed clubs. So the third lesson we came with the left-handed clubs - the pro was happy - said David was definitely left-handed and he played much better.
Ok... that's cool. My dad, who he's named after, is left-handed and I think it's awesome that David is too. But what do we do know about writing and cutting? Sports - he'll do all left-handed, great. But do I "re-teach" cutting and writing??? Or do I let him go forward with crappy writing and be one of those people that writes with their right hand and does all else with their left hand.
They don't discuss this in the parent manuals :-)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
sometimes I feel so depressed with this world
Today however I am mad. I have googled and searched, etc. for an actual transcript of what he said this morning and I have had no luck, so I am going to attempt to "re-tell" the story.
The King of Morocco was visiting the White House and travels with his entourage of 12 wives and his genetic match for heart/liver/kidney transplants. This transplant guy has dedicated his whole life to the King with the knowledge that he could die at any time for him. So we all need someone who is our whole life like this transplant guy... I'm thinking ok, now maybe he'll finally get to the point about God and be sure we know he agrees that this King and the transplant guy are both wrong and it's God we should devote ourselves to. NOPE!! He finishes by strongly encouraging us to find this person we can devote ourselves to.
Can you believe that???
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
David's 1st Golf Lesson

Did you say high school?

coffee and blogging, a cure for the Blues
They have a chapel service every morning at David's school led by the Principal and teachers, but on Wednesday they have a full chapel service with the Priests and Holy Communion, etc. One of the other things they do at the Wednesday chapel is sing Happy Birthday to the kids whose birthday's fall on that week. I had planned to go today since they would be singing to David. So last night I am crazy tired (even dozed off at Bible study) so I set two alarms for this morning and in my head I knew the "David" alarm would also have me covered because he normally wakes up between 6:30 - 7:00... I wake this morning to David snuggled up beside me and he is talking about spare tires. He had just woken up and normally his first conversation is wide open just like him. I enjoy the snuggle for a minute or two then sit up and look at the clock - 8:35. WHAT the HECK!! I was so irritated. I assume I turned off both alarms in my sleep and his body chose today to sleep in. And no need to rush out the door because chapel ends around 8:30 on Wednesday's. So we are home today - me blogging and doing laundry and David building tracks and cars and all the normal things he does.
My broken right heel has been doing so much better, but silly me volunteered for a whole day (rather than 1/2) at Field Day Friday. I was on my feet for about 7 hours; at the lunch break I had to run over to Kinnucan's and buy some Keene's to give some relief to my heel. That helped a little, but I can definitely tell that I set myself back because it is swollen and hurting again.
And to add insult to injury my back was doing the spasms and referred pain throughout the whole day. The weekend was calm (in relation to my heel and back), but I evidently did something to it because when I was walking into the house yesterday I heard/felt the "break". Immediately after the pain intensified and the swelling started and the tingling and weakness in my right leg started. This is exactly what I heard/felt when I was doing boot camp - with boot camp though I didn't know what it was and thought maybe my back popped or something and I kept on pushing for two more months. That's what put me into my second surgery. What it was and what I assume it is again is a piece of my deteriorating disc breaks off and lodges in the spinal nerve... Oh joy!
This past Saturday was David's 5th birthday party (more about that later) and it was a fun day and our friends were out en mass. It wasn't our Em weekend, but they brought her over for the afternoon so she could be with us for the party and play with David a couple of hours after. I was sad that David had no extended family there because all the parties we go to there are many family members there (often having flown in).
So here I sit, feeling better because I whined/blogged and am now on my 4th cup of coffee. Pity party is almost over ;-)
Now I just need to suck up the back pain and finish my laundry and clean my house and in between that play with David and pay all the business bills and cook dinner. LOL - sounds bad, but only today. Usually I'm fine and love it because this is my life and I am blessed to have it.
If you stuck through to the end, thanks!! I'm working on some shorter posts with pics!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Headaches for Emily
Please pray for her relief and the doctors wisdom!!
Maybe the phrase should be, "6th times a charm"
He did great at the hospital, which is no surprise. He is so used to the whole deal that he just takes it in stride. He talked to the anesthesiologist and picked cotton candy smell for his "go to sleep" gas. Then he went walking down the hall with the nurse into the double doors to the OR. Doc came out super fast and gave the good report. It was a little long before he came from recovery. Turns out the nurses were in love - he had made a girlfriend of the patient in the bed next to him and they were just chatting away. The nurses were cracking up and didn't want to interrupt. Also he told them all his birthday was coming up and that they were all invited to the party in Montgomery and that his mom would "call them with the details".
The recovery has been fine. Little pain in the right ear, irritability and fever (to be expected). He is home again today, but probably would have been ok at school. He seems to feel much better this morning.