How many jokes, cliches, stereotypes are there about soccer moms. Just hearing the phrase you get a picture in your head. It's really funny to me because I always had a certain picture of a soccer mom and I did not fit it. And the picture didn't always connotate a literal soccer mom just a type. Then I went to and looked up their definition of soccer mom and it is HORRIBLE. I, as we all do, know people EXACTLY like that.
But it's kind of scary because I do drive a SUV, my life does revolves around my kids, we are middle-class, I do like expensive coffee and my cell phone... The list goes on. But if you read some of the derogatory definitions I hope you will see which parts I don't agree with.
So you ask, what brought on all this talk of soccer? Well primarily because David played soccer for the first time this season on the 4 & 5 year-old team at his school. He had lots of fun and is looking forward to playing again in the spring. The sport is good for him because it's all about running around - non-stop!! Anyway, as I was scanning in his team picture this morning I started thinking about soccer moms, so here we are ;-)
Oh one little funny thing before I sign off. We are avid college football fans and I am often screaming at the TV say go baby go or something to that effect. I use the word baby loosely if I don't know the players name or can't see his number, etc. Well David always expresses mild interest in this and asks which one is your baby and I'll say all the boys in Blue or White (whether Auburn is home or away). So yesterday he and I were flipping channels after we came in from playing and I came across a U17 play-off game and asked him did he want to watch the big boys play soccer on TV. YES!!!! So we watch for a few minutes and then he starts yelling go baby go!! I am cracking up and trying to not let him see me laugh. Then he turns to me and said mom I'm just going to have 1 baby, not all of them. I said OK, which number is "your" baby and he said no number just the one in the yellow by himself, which was the ref LOL.
Well my scanner is being tempermental this morning so I'll add some pics later.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
We had a great Halloween here this year. The morning started out rainy and David's soccer game was cancelled, but the weather cleared and turned cool in time for all the festivities. We started our night at Flip's. My dad's GM Car Club always hosts a Halloween Cruise-In and we took pics, ate dinner and snagged some candy there. Dad has quite a collection of cars these days, but the Corvair was the one chosen for that night. Check out how cool Barbara decorated the car. Dan skipped Flip's this year and went on over to the Holliday's to help Bill get ready to scare the trick-or-treaters. Dan was a "monster" and Bill the TX chainsaw guy. They had tombstones, a coffin, dry ice, a fog machine, strobe lights, black lights and scary music. It was great. Me and the kids picked up the cousins at Flip's and brought them back to trick-or-treat with us. Kim & Jackie held down the fort, the men scared kids and me and Dianne followed the kids around the neighborhood. It was a really fun night. Oh - David was Batman, Emily a hippie, Hayden a gangster, Hope a go-go girl, Lauren a pumpkin, Heather a indian and Justin a doctor.
Pumpkin Carving
We had a really fun night a couple of weeks ago carving pumpkins. The Holliday's and Edward's came over and we ate homemade vegetable beef soup and mexican cornbread and pumpkin pie. The kids did a great job with their pumpkins. Hayden's is the fire scary face, Hope's the haunted house, Emily's the Boo, and David's (or rather Dan's LOL) is the scary pumpkin. We (I) also sorted out the the seeds and toasted them the next day while we watched football.

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