Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Headaches for Emily

For the past few weeks Emily has been complaining of bad headaches. With a bazillion questions/scenarios we can't come up with a trigger. They just happen and don't respond to Tylenol or any of the others. They come and go at their own pace with no rhyme or reason. After two weeks of this we took her to see doc and we were told it was cluster headaches and given a prescription for Midrin. This didn't stop the headaches, but did stop the pain and she had about 5 days of being able to stop the pain. Then Friday afternoon it started hurting on the right side above her eyebrow. Nothing could make it stop hurting, not even the Midrin. It also hurt to touch it - like she would cry out and eyes fill with tears if you slid your finger across it. She had some relief over the weekend, but by Sunday afternoon it was back even worse. So Monday back to the doc. Appears it could be sinus cavity related?? Sounds kind weird to Arlene and I, but what do we know LOL. She is having a CT Scan today at 1:30 so hopefully we will know something tomorrow.

Please pray for her relief and the doctors wisdom!!

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