I want my happy baby back!!!!!
Wow - who knew this would be so hard and that instead of getting better it gets worse. I thought we were in great shape based on David's recovery the first few days - not that they were easy, just seemed what I expected. Well it turns out those were a cakewalk compared to how things are now.
He is miserable!!! And to top it off he is absolutely refusing any and all meds. I know plenty of "tricks" for getting medicine in (considering he's had enough ear infections to be on the 4th set of tubes) and I have even have resorted to force, but NOTHING is working now!!! During the day he is pretty lethargic with bouts of energy and a few crying spells. A new complaint that started last night is his stomach hurts - you can't touch it or even let a shirt or blanket touch it. It lasts about 30 minutes each time. Then the worst of all is night time. Last night and so far this night he is waking about every two - three hours crying uncontrollably, drooling and shivering. It is so heart wrenching - I laid there a little while ago holding him just praying my heart out and trying not to cry. Needless to say he won't be going to school tomorrow.
I also fear he is becoming dehydrated - based on urine output and food/fluid intake, which is essentially none in both areas. I plan to call the ENT in the morning and if I am not satisfied with what they say then I will call his Pediatrician.
I did find a blog that made me feel a little better. She wrote about her child's experience and several commenter's told their stories as well. The consensus being:
- this is a lot harder than any anticipates and than any doctors tell you
- pain peaks at day 5-7
- turning the corner happens around day 9 or 10
- dehydration is common
- the prescription pain medicine has alcohol in it so it burns - which is why the kids won't take it (I'm afraid that's what has given David this new fear of all meds; I wish I would have known that to start with - UGH)
- even though your child probably has a high pain tolerance from MULTIPLE ear and/or throat infections - this will still be HELL
If you are interested in the blog and comments, here is the link: http://typeamama.blogspot.com/2008/05/recovery-for-toddler-tonsillectomy.html
Well - I'm back to my vigil of dozing and comforting. All I have is a kind voice, two arms and kisses and cold juice. I pray that pain settles and that he will not refuse meds again tomorrow.
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